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The DADDYING blog provides commentary, research, personal narratives, reviews & recommendations, and other creative expressions from
a diverse group of parenting colleagues, guest writers, and experts to raise awareness and promote the benefits of lifelong dad involvement.

Allan Shedlin
Sep 30, 2020
The Superpower of Being Present
Think of the children in your life. Their superpower is living in the moment. COVID-19 implores us to be more like our children.

Allan Shedlin
Sep 17, 2020
She Made Me A Dad and Gave Me Confidence
I was 38 when my daughter Morgan was born. Even though I had decades of preparation, nothing had quite prepared me for the responsibility.

Allan Shedlin
Aug 27, 2020
Creating A Special Daddy-Daughter Bond With Number Two
After much trial and even more error caring for our first child, I figured I was prepared for anything a second daughter could throw at me.

Allan Shedlin
Jul 15, 2020
Rebuilding My Relationship With Dad Now That He's Gone
It was only in the following days, weeks, & years that I realized his passing was just the beginning of a new kind of relationship with him.
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Allan Shedlin
Jun 17, 2020
A Different Perspective: Four Father’s Days Plus One
I’ll be celebrated this Sunday like millions of other dads on our official Father’s Day, but prefer to celebrate my four OTHER father's days

Allan Shedlin
May 27, 2020
Your Helping Hand Is the Antidote to COVID-19 Fear
With COVID-19, we're all scared & want to know how to overcome fear it's caused. Reaching out to hold someone’s hand is the best antidote.

Allan Shedlin
May 20, 2020
Mindfulness Helps Honor What's Important On Memorial Day
Armor Down founder and DADvisor Ben King teaches us a new way to give honor and observe Memorial Day with our families through mindfulness.

Allan Shedlin
May 13, 2020
Sometimes the Heart Will Not Be Bullied
This was not at all what I imagined becoming a dad would be like...being a dad is more than just who you are, it's something you do.

Allan Shedlin
May 9, 2020
Lessons From Mom On The First Mother's Day Without Her
This is the first year DCG's Scott Beller won't be wishing his mom a happy Mother's Day.

Allan Shedlin
Apr 29, 2020
This Is What I Learned From My Lovely Emma On A Windy Day
Emma’s my 9-year-old granddaughter, the first offspring of my first offspring. To say Emma is a delight begs more descriptive adjectives.

Allan Shedlin
Apr 22, 2020
A Eulogy For My Socially-Distant Dad
By the time he died, my father had become adept at social distancing. I didn't know it would take me more than 15 yrs to write his eulogy.
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Allan Shedlin
Apr 15, 2020
Soul Searching and Daddy Yearning In COVID-19 Isolation
The men of my family were men of small rooms. I think of this as I begin another week of social distancing.
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Allan Shedlin
Apr 8, 2020
Fathering The Sickness (AKA Ministering to the Sick)
Dad wouldn’t have done anything different in a pandemic. He was always stockpiling essentials.

Allan Shedlin
Mar 17, 2020
A Kid's View on Coronavirus: It's A Powerful Lesson in Gratitude
Guest post from U. of New Mexico physician & Dadvisor Dr. Anthony Fleg who considers parenting lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis.
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