daddy Appleseed fund​

The Daddy Appleseed Fund (DAF) exists to support organizations that use creative means to encourage positive involvement by fathers and father figures with their children.
Given DADvocacy Consulting Group founder and DAF benefactor Allan Shedlin’s long history of hands-on experience working with children, fathers, and families, the DAF is well aware of the need to support organizations whose idealism, passion, commitment, creativity, and gumption exceed their limited resources. Thus, the DAF seeks out smaller organizations, in which its funds will have the greatest impact.
The DAF has often approached such organizations with ideas for creating unusual methodologies and programs. It is partial to the arts and under-served, diverse populations.
Created in 2018 as a donor-advised fund at the Greater Washington Community Foundation (GWCF), the DAF is tax-exempt and accepts donations through the GWCF. Right now, the best/only way to make a tax-deductible donation is by check made out to the Greater Washington Community Foundation (GWCF) and mailed to:
Greater Washington Community Foundation
PO Box 49010
Baltimore, MD 21297-4910
In the memo section on your check, please include the donor's name (e.g., your name) and the "receiving fund name" (Daddy Appleseed Fund). NOTE: DAF does not entertain applications for grants.
DAF supports a variety of family/child-focused organizations, including:
Daddying Film Festival & Forum (D3F)
The D3F is the world’s first and only film festival focused exclusively on promoting the importance of positive dad/dad figure involvement for kids and families. Its mission is to:
Shine a spotlight on the importance of dads in their presence and their absence.
Provide opportunities for kids and fathers alike to reflect upon and express feelings about what daddying qualities are most important to them; what kind of dad a father wants to be, and what kind of dad a kid wants and needs.
Provide opportunities for emotional authenticity, creativity, and originality.
Portray a variety of family dynamics to explore and encourage constructive relationships.
Demonstrate film- and/or video-making skills and production values.
Commissioned Exit12, a veteran-founded, New York City-based dance company, to create “For My Father,” honoring veterans for their service and acknowledging/drawing attention to the challenges they and their families face when they transition from warrior to daddy – a very different “call to arms.” The dance premiered at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, 2019, and also performed aboard New York City’s Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum on October 29, 2019. They will be on a week-long tour in NM, serving as Artists-in-Residence and performing in various venues culminating in a Memorial Day 2020 performance at the National Dance Institute New Mexico.
American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
Support of the museum’s ground-breaking Parenting exhibition, with a special screening of the film EGG and a post-viewing discussion with its co-stars.
National Dance Institute New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM
Sponsor a program to encourage father participation and to create a permanent photo exhibition of father involvement.
Armor Down’s Mindful Memorial Day, Arlington National Cemetery, VA
Provide general support and exploration of creating a new program, “Armor Down/Daddy Up!” First session was held in October 2019, in partnership with The Wounded Warrior Project in Richmond, VA.
General operating support and creation of a new position, “Promotoro,” for vibrant father outreach.
Strong Families Commission of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Sponsorship of Third Annual Convening advocating for greater father-family involvement in the lives of children and families and the systems that serve them.
Lake Forest College Global Enrichment Scholarship, Lake Forest, IL
Support an Afghan student with a strong academic and extracurricular record and whose family has sacrificed much to send him to study in the United States.
Thriving Families New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM
Production of a 4- to 6-minute video portrait of “Horses for Heroes.” The video focuses on a New Mexican veteran father contending with the challenges of reuniting with his children and family after deployment.
Operation Hero Appreciate/All Vets, Red Lion, PA
Support for ceremony and event to honor veterans.
Barrel of Monkeys, Chicago, IL
Support for creative writing and theater workshops in Chicago elementary schools.
Native Health Initiative, Albuquerque, NM
Sponsorship of 3rd Annual Gratitude Run/Walk/Bike and program support for father involvement.
Support for girls’ travel basketball team to encourage role of their coach as a positive father role model.
Promise 15 Scholarship Fund, Leesburg, VA
Support for a medical student studying cures for childhood cancer(s).